
A traveler's favorite place to eat

A traveler's favorite place to eat Neil, a frequent traveler to the keys, talks about his love for Lazy Days in Islamorada.

There's nothing like Key West!

This is the place! This is where every vacationer dreams of! Come experience the beauty of Key West! There is so much to explore for the whole family!

Where do we go to eat?

Where shall we go? The problem is trying to find a restaurant that accommodates your family. However, whether you prefer a certain type of food or a cheaper option, that can be available for you! Here's a picture of Sunset Grille located right next to the Seven Mile Bridge!

Additional Questions

If you have additional questions, you can message our Facebook page or check out this website!

Duval Street

A must see! You cannot go to Key West without checking out Duval Street! Experience the best in dining,exploration, and shopping! Below is a photo of the iconic Sloppy Joe's Bar on Duval Street!


Get ready to explore Key West!! Have a blast! Remember, always, always, always remain stress free! It can be time consuming determining what you want to do. My recommendation would be try to plan as much as possible before you go so you can just follow your itinerary when you get to Key West. You'll thank yourself later!